Documentation of Swiss Performing Arts Collections model

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(english) This page documents the structure of the Collections data published by the SAPA Foundation. The SAPA Foundation uses several RDF ontologies within the platform. To describe its collections, it mainly uses the Records in Contexts ontology, with the following specific features:

  • The version 0.2 of RiC-O is used
  • rico:Instantiation are created mainly for audiovisual documents (including photos), and very marginally for other document types, for which only the classes rico:RecordSet, rico:Record or rico:RecordPart are used.
  • The class rico:RecordResource is never instantiated directly.
  • rico:Record entities are used to describe documents (e.g. a videotape).
  • rico:RecordPart entities are used mainly in the audiovisual field (e.g. different recordings on the same videotape).
  • The SAPA Foundation works in multiple languages (mainly German, French and Italian). Descriptions are produced in the language of the document. However, the rico:hasOrHadLanguage property is not systematically used to declare the language.

(français) Cette page documente la structure des données de Collections publiées par la Fondation SAPA. La Fondation SAPA utilise plusieurs ontologies RDF au sein de la plateforme Pour décrire ses collections, elle utilise princiaplement l'ontologie Records in Contexts avec les spécificités suivantes:

  • la version 0.2 de RiC-O est utilisée
  • les rico:Instantiation sont créées princiaplement pour les documents audiovisuels (y compris photo) et très marginalement pour les autres types de documents pour lesquels on se contente des entités rico:RecordSet, rico:Record et rico:RecordPart.
  • La classe rico:RecordResource n'est pas utilisée directement.
  • Les entités rico:Record sont utilisées pour désigner les documents (exemple une bande vidéo)
  • Les entités rico:RecordPart sont utilisées princiapelement dans le domaine audiovisuel (exemple : des enregistrements différents sur une même bande vidéo).
  • La Fondation SAPA travaille de façon mutilingue (principalement allemand, français, italien). Les descriptions sont réalisées dans la langue du document. Toutefois, la propriété rico:hasOrHadLanguage n'est pas utilisée de façon systèmatique pour déclarer celle-ci.

Table of Contents


Model documentation

Record Resource

Note : the class RecordResource is never instantiated directly and groups the common properties between Record, RecordSet and RecordPart.

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
descriptive note rico:descriptiveNote xsd:string
Descriptive information about an entity that is not otherwise addressed (RiC-O 0.2) This is generally used in the data to describe the content of the Record (similar to rico:scopeAndContent)
has accessibility spao:hasAccessibility Concept
Indicates whether the documents are publicly accessible, the two possible values are "public" or "collaborator".
has copyright declaration spao:hasCopyrightDeclaration Concept
Characterizes the information available to the institution regarding copyright on the archives. Possible values are "Yes", "No", "In research", "Partial".
has internal note spao:hasInternalNote xsd:string
Internal management note for use by archivists. This field is not exported in public dumps.
has instantiation rico:hasInstantiation rico:Instantiation
Connects a Record Resource to one of its Instantiations. (RiC-O 0.2) There is not always an Instantiation for each RecordResource in the data, depending on the type of document. For audio, photo and video documents, there is always at least one Instantiation.
has note spao:hasNote xsd:string
General note for the public.
has or had identifier rico:hasOrHadIdentifier Identifier
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) This is progressively implemented for all resources, it contains the same value as rico:identifier, with an additional qualifier.
has or had subject rico:hasOrHadSubject IRI
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its subject. (RiC-O 0.2) This can take any type of entity as a value.
has permission spao:hasPermission Concept
For archives not accessible to the public, indicates the groups of collaborators who have access.
has physical usability spao:hasPhysicalUsability Concept
Category indicating the possibility of handling the archives in relation to their physical state of preservation. The possible values are "Restricted", "Unrestricted", "Impossible".
has processing convention spao:hasProcessingConvention xsd:string
Reference to the standard followed during descriptive work. For example "ISAD-G".
has processing date spao:hasProcessingDate IRI
Date on which the archive description was created or modified.
has protection duration spao:hasProtectionDuration xsd:string
Indication of the duration during which the document is not accessible to the public.
has terms of protection spao:hasTermsOfProtection Concept
Indicates the reference event from which the protection period starts. The use of this property is not stabilized within the SAPA foundation.
has usage rights still spao:hasUsageRightsStill Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of screen captures. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
has usage rights streaming spao:hasUsageRightsStreaming Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of video streaming. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
identifier rico:identifier xsd:string
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Includes Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) The usage of this property is deprecated and it will be replaced by rico:hasOrHadIdentifier.
index olo:index xsd:integer
is associated with date rico:isAssociatedWithDate IRI
Connects a Thing to a Date associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This contains the date or date range that the resource covers (for example, for a set of documents, this will contain the date of creation of the first document until the date of creation of the last document)
is related to spao:isRelatedTo xsd:string
Information on documentary collections preserved outside the institution and describing with the same subject.
legacy identifier spao:legacyIdentifier xsd:string
In case of a change in identifier, the old identifier is kept in this property.
name rico:name xsd:string
A label, title or term designating the entity in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. For Record Resource or Instantiation, the Name is generally assigned by an Agent as most do not have a Name given when created. (RiC-O 0.2) This is the label assigned to the resource.
see also spao:seeAlso IRI
Generic property that allows a link to be established between a resource and another entity.


  • Applies to: rico:Record
  • Inherits from: Record Resource
  • Example:
Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Properties from Record
conditions of access rico:conditionsOfAccess xsd:string
Terms and circumstances affecting the availability of a Record Resource for consultation. Such conditions may originate in laws, regulations and policies, including those pertaining to privacy and security concerns or restrictions; they may concern a specific Instantiation of a Record Resource, for example, conditions that require preservation treatment; or they may specify the software or hardware necessary to access the Instantiation. (RiC-O 0.2) This property expresses the conditions of access to the document for the public, for example "Accès libre selon le règlement de SAPA".
comment rdfs:comment xsd:string
This is rarely used and mostly for internal notes.
conditions of use rico:conditionsOfUse xsd:string
Terms and circumstances affecting the use of a Record Resource after access has been provided. Includes conditions governing reproduction of the Record Resource under applicable copyright (intellectual property) and/or property legislation, and of the Instantiation, due to conservation status. (RiC-O 0.2) This property expresses the conditions of reuse of the resource, for example "Utilisation et réutilisation selon le règlement de SAPA".
copyright notice schema:copyrightNotice xsd:string
Indicates how the copyright citation should be written.
delivery number spao:deliveryNumber xsd:string
Number given when the archives enter the institution, allowing tracking.
has annotation (recto) spao:hasAnnotationRecto xsd:string
Transcription of the textual information placed on the front of the document.
has annotation (verso) spao:hasAnnotationVerso xsd:string
Transcription of the textual information placed on the back of the document.
has creator rico:hasCreator rico:Agent
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that is either responsible for all or some of the content of the Record Resource or is a contributor to the genesis or production of an Instantiation. (RiC-O 0.2)
has credit spao:hasCredit xsd:string
The mandatory statement given by the rights holder.
has documentary form type rico:hasDocumentaryFormType Documentary Form Type
Connects a Record or Record Part to its Documentary Form Type. (RiC-O 0.2) Types of documents include "Moving image", "Object", "Photography", etc.
has doublets spao:hasDoublets xsd:string
Indicates how many duplicates are present in this set of documents.
has extent rico:hasExtent Extent
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation to an Extent. (RiC-O 0.2) This can include a number of boxes, a number of gigabytes, etc.
has or had language rico:hasOrHadLanguage Language
Connects an Agent or Record Resource to a Language that it uses or used. (RiC-O 0.2) This is mostly using the official Swiss languages.
has or had location rico:hasOrHadLocation Archival place
Connects a Thing to a Place in which this Thing ir or was located. (RiC-O 0.2) This indicates where the archive container is physically located in the hierarchy or archival places. Theoretically, the physical location should be asserted at the Instantiation level, but it is asserted here when there is no Instantiation for the RecordResource.
has packing spao:hasPacking Concept
Reference to a type of container giving size indications, but also a possible location indication. Possible values are "Box A4", "Poster", etc. (a poster would presumably be stored in the plan cabinet).
has provenance rico:hasProvenance IRI
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends it. (RiC-O 0.2)
has record state rico:hasRecordState Record State
Connects a Record or Record Part to a Record State that categorizes its state. (RiC-O 0.2) This is applied only to photography and is used to indicate if it is an original print, signed original print, etc.
is associated with event rico:isAssociatedWithEvent Event
Connects a Thing to an Event that is associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This is used to describe the acquisition of the record, with only a type of Event, indicating if the acquisition resulted from a donation, a loan, etc.
is associated with place rico:isAssociatedWithPlace crm:E53_Place
Connects a Thing to a Place that is associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This indicates a place related to the content of the document, for example a building depicted on a photograph
is or was included in rico:isOrWasIncludedIn Record Set
Connects a Record Set or a Record to a Record Set that aggregates or aggregated it in the past. (RiC-O 0.2)
physical characteristics rico:physicalCharacteristics xsd:string
Information about the physical features of the Instantiation. Includes information about the physical nature and condition such as conservation status. (RiC-O 0.2) Theoretically this is applied to Instantiations, but is used also at the Record level when there is no Instantiation declared.
same as (owl) owl:sameAs IRI
Link to the URL of this RecordSet in the legacy catalog. This information is in the public triplestore, but this is a hidden field in the layout when browsing the public website. The URL stored is not dereferencable.
Properties from Record Resource
descriptive note rico:descriptiveNote xsd:string
Descriptive information about an entity that is not otherwise addressed (RiC-O 0.2) This is generally used in the data to describe the content of the Record (similar to rico:scopeAndContent)
has accessibility spao:hasAccessibility Concept
Indicates whether the documents are publicly accessible, the two possible values are "public" or "collaborator".
has copyright declaration spao:hasCopyrightDeclaration Concept
Characterizes the information available to the institution regarding copyright on the archives. Possible values are "Yes", "No", "In research", "Partial".
has internal note spao:hasInternalNote xsd:string
Internal management note for use by archivists. This field is not exported in public dumps.
has instantiation rico:hasInstantiation rico:Instantiation
Connects a Record Resource to one of its Instantiations. (RiC-O 0.2) There is not always an Instantiation for each RecordResource in the data, depending on the type of document. For audio, photo and video documents, there is always at least one Instantiation.
has note spao:hasNote xsd:string
General note for the public.
has or had identifier rico:hasOrHadIdentifier Identifier
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) This is progressively implemented for all resources, it contains the same value as rico:identifier, with an additional qualifier.
has or had subject rico:hasOrHadSubject IRI
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its subject. (RiC-O 0.2) This can take any type of entity as a value.
has permission spao:hasPermission Concept
For archives not accessible to the public, indicates the groups of collaborators who have access.
has physical usability spao:hasPhysicalUsability Concept
Category indicating the possibility of handling the archives in relation to their physical state of preservation. The possible values are "Restricted", "Unrestricted", "Impossible".
has processing convention spao:hasProcessingConvention xsd:string
Reference to the standard followed during descriptive work. For example "ISAD-G".
has processing date spao:hasProcessingDate IRI
Date on which the archive description was created or modified.
has protection duration spao:hasProtectionDuration xsd:string
Indication of the duration during which the document is not accessible to the public.
has terms of protection spao:hasTermsOfProtection Concept
Indicates the reference event from which the protection period starts. The use of this property is not stabilized within the SAPA foundation.
has usage rights still spao:hasUsageRightsStill Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of screen captures. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
has usage rights streaming spao:hasUsageRightsStreaming Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of video streaming. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
identifier rico:identifier xsd:string
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Includes Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) The usage of this property is deprecated and it will be replaced by rico:hasOrHadIdentifier.
index olo:index xsd:integer
is associated with date rico:isAssociatedWithDate IRI
Connects a Thing to a Date associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This contains the date or date range that the resource covers (for example, for a set of documents, this will contain the date of creation of the first document until the date of creation of the last document)
is related to spao:isRelatedTo xsd:string
Information on documentary collections preserved outside the institution and describing with the same subject.
legacy identifier spao:legacyIdentifier xsd:string
In case of a change in identifier, the old identifier is kept in this property.
name rico:name xsd:string
A label, title or term designating the entity in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. For Record Resource or Instantiation, the Name is generally assigned by an Agent as most do not have a Name given when created. (RiC-O 0.2) This is the label assigned to the resource.
see also spao:seeAlso IRI
Generic property that allows a link to be established between a resource and another entity.

Record Set

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Properties from Record Set
comment rdfs:comment xsd:string
This is rarely used and mostly for internal notes.
cassation spao:cassation xsd:string
Note documenting what has been eliminated during the archive evaluation. (For example "All duplicates have been eliminated")
conditions of access rico:conditionsOfAccess xsd:string
Terms and circumstances affecting the availability of a Record Resource for consultation. Such conditions may originate in laws, regulations and policies, including those pertaining to privacy and security concerns or restrictions; they may concern a specific Instantiation of a Record Resource, for example, conditions that require preservation treatment; or they may specify the software or hardware necessary to access the Instantiation. (RiC-O 0.2) This property expresses the conditions of access to the document for the public, for example "Accès libre selon le règlement de SAPA".
conditions of use rico:conditionsOfUse xsd:string
Terms and circumstances affecting the use of a Record Resource after access has been provided. Includes conditions governing reproduction of the Record Resource under applicable copyright (intellectual property) and/or property legislation, and of the Instantiation, due to conservation status. (RiC-O 0.2) This property expresses the conditions of reuse of the resource, for example "Utilisation et réutilisation selon le règlement de SAPA".
copyright notice schema:copyrightNotice xsd:string
Indicates how the copyright citation should be written.
delivery number spao:deliveryNumber xsd:string
Number given when the archives enter the institution, allowing tracking.
has creator rico:hasCreator rico:Person
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that is either responsible for all or some of the content of the Record Resource or is a contributor to the genesis or production of an Instantiation. (RiC-O 0.2)
has credit spao:hasCredit xsd:string
The mandatory statement given by the rights holder.
has doublets spao:hasDoublets xsd:string
Indicates how many duplicates are present in this set of documents.
has extent rico:hasExtent Extent
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation to an Extent. (RiC-O 0.2) This can include a number of boxes, a number of gigabytes, etc.
has or had members with documentary form type rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithDocumentaryFormType Documentary Form Type
Connects a Record Set and a Documentary Form Type that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. (RiC-O 0.2) This uses the same controlled vocabulary as rico:hasDocumentaryFormType on the Records.
has or had language rico:hasOrHadLanguage Language
Connects an Agent or Record Resource to a Language that it uses or used. (RiC-O 0.2) This is mostly using the official Swiss languages.
has or had location rico:hasOrHadLocation Archival place
Connects a Thing to a Place in which this Thing ir or was located. (RiC-O 0.2) This indicates where the archive container is physically located in the hierarchy or archival places. Theoretically, the physical location should be asserted at the Instantiation level, but it is asserted here when there is no Instantiation for the RecordResource.
has packing spao:hasPacking Concept
Reference to a type of container giving size indications, but also a possible location indication. Possible values are "Box A4", "Poster", etc. (a poster would presumably be stored in the plan cabinet).
has provenance rico:hasProvenance rico:Agent
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends it. (RiC-O 0.2)
has record set type rico:hasRecordSetType Concept
Connects a Record Set to a Record Set Type that categorizes it. (RiC-O 0.2) Possible values are "Fonds", "Serie", etc.
history rico:history xsd:string
Summary of the development of an entity, since its origin until present time. (RiC-O 0.2)
is associated with event rico:isAssociatedWithEvent Event
Connects a Thing to an Event that is associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This is used to describe the acquisition of the record, with only a type of Event, indicating if the acquisition resulted from a donation, a loan, etc.
is associated with place rico:isAssociatedWithPlace rico:Place
Connects a Thing to a Place that is associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This indicates a place related to the content of the document, for example a building depicted on a photograph
is or was included in rico:isOrWasIncludedIn Record Set
Connects a Record Set or a Record to a Record Set that aggregates or aggregated it in the past. (RiC-O 0.2)
physical characteristics rico:physicalCharacteristics xsd:string
Information about the physical features of the Instantiation. Includes information about the physical nature and condition such as conservation status. (RiC-O 0.2) Theoretically this is applied to Instantiations, but is used also at the Record level when there is no Instantiation declared.
same as (owl) owl:sameAs IRI
Link to the URL of this RecordSet in the legacy catalog. This information is in the public triplestore, but this is a hidden field in the layout when browsing the public website. The URL stored is not dereferencable.
Properties from Record Resource
descriptive note rico:descriptiveNote xsd:string
Descriptive information about an entity that is not otherwise addressed (RiC-O 0.2) This is generally used in the data to describe the content of the Record (similar to rico:scopeAndContent)
has accessibility spao:hasAccessibility Concept
Indicates whether the documents are publicly accessible, the two possible values are "public" or "collaborator".
has copyright declaration spao:hasCopyrightDeclaration Concept
Characterizes the information available to the institution regarding copyright on the archives. Possible values are "Yes", "No", "In research", "Partial".
has internal note spao:hasInternalNote xsd:string
Internal management note for use by archivists. This field is not exported in public dumps.
has instantiation rico:hasInstantiation rico:Instantiation
Connects a Record Resource to one of its Instantiations. (RiC-O 0.2) There is not always an Instantiation for each RecordResource in the data, depending on the type of document. For audio, photo and video documents, there is always at least one Instantiation.
has note spao:hasNote xsd:string
General note for the public.
has or had identifier rico:hasOrHadIdentifier Identifier
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) This is progressively implemented for all resources, it contains the same value as rico:identifier, with an additional qualifier.
has or had subject rico:hasOrHadSubject IRI
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its subject. (RiC-O 0.2) This can take any type of entity as a value.
has permission spao:hasPermission Concept
For archives not accessible to the public, indicates the groups of collaborators who have access.
has physical usability spao:hasPhysicalUsability Concept
Category indicating the possibility of handling the archives in relation to their physical state of preservation. The possible values are "Restricted", "Unrestricted", "Impossible".
has processing convention spao:hasProcessingConvention xsd:string
Reference to the standard followed during descriptive work. For example "ISAD-G".
has processing date spao:hasProcessingDate IRI
Date on which the archive description was created or modified.
has protection duration spao:hasProtectionDuration xsd:string
Indication of the duration during which the document is not accessible to the public.
has terms of protection spao:hasTermsOfProtection Concept
Indicates the reference event from which the protection period starts. The use of this property is not stabilized within the SAPA foundation.
has usage rights still spao:hasUsageRightsStill Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of screen captures. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
has usage rights streaming spao:hasUsageRightsStreaming Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of video streaming. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
identifier rico:identifier xsd:string
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Includes Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) The usage of this property is deprecated and it will be replaced by rico:hasOrHadIdentifier.
index olo:index xsd:integer
is associated with date rico:isAssociatedWithDate IRI
Connects a Thing to a Date associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This contains the date or date range that the resource covers (for example, for a set of documents, this will contain the date of creation of the first document until the date of creation of the last document)
is related to spao:isRelatedTo xsd:string
Information on documentary collections preserved outside the institution and describing with the same subject.
legacy identifier spao:legacyIdentifier xsd:string
In case of a change in identifier, the old identifier is kept in this property.
name rico:name xsd:string
A label, title or term designating the entity in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. For Record Resource or Instantiation, the Name is generally assigned by an Agent as most do not have a Name given when created. (RiC-O 0.2) This is the label assigned to the resource.
see also spao:seeAlso IRI
Generic property that allows a link to be established between a resource and another entity.

Record Part

RecordParts are mostly used to describe video recordings with multiple recordings on the same video tape.

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Properties from Record Part
has documentary form type rico:hasDocumentaryFormType Documentary Form Type
Connects a Record or Record Part to its Documentary Form Type. (RiC-O 0.2) Types of documents include "Moving image", "Object", "Photography", etc.
is or was constituent of rico:isOrWasConstituentOf Record
Connects a Record Part to a Record of which this Record Part was a component of. (RiC-O 0.2)
Properties from Record Resource
descriptive note rico:descriptiveNote xsd:string
Descriptive information about an entity that is not otherwise addressed (RiC-O 0.2) This is generally used in the data to describe the content of the Record (similar to rico:scopeAndContent)
has accessibility spao:hasAccessibility Concept
Indicates whether the documents are publicly accessible, the two possible values are "public" or "collaborator".
has copyright declaration spao:hasCopyrightDeclaration Concept
Characterizes the information available to the institution regarding copyright on the archives. Possible values are "Yes", "No", "In research", "Partial".
has internal note spao:hasInternalNote xsd:string
Internal management note for use by archivists. This field is not exported in public dumps.
has instantiation rico:hasInstantiation rico:Instantiation
Connects a Record Resource to one of its Instantiations. (RiC-O 0.2) There is not always an Instantiation for each RecordResource in the data, depending on the type of document. For audio, photo and video documents, there is always at least one Instantiation.
has note spao:hasNote xsd:string
General note for the public.
has or had identifier rico:hasOrHadIdentifier Identifier
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) This is progressively implemented for all resources, it contains the same value as rico:identifier, with an additional qualifier.
has or had subject rico:hasOrHadSubject IRI
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its subject. (RiC-O 0.2) This can take any type of entity as a value.
has permission spao:hasPermission Concept
For archives not accessible to the public, indicates the groups of collaborators who have access.
has physical usability spao:hasPhysicalUsability Concept
Category indicating the possibility of handling the archives in relation to their physical state of preservation. The possible values are "Restricted", "Unrestricted", "Impossible".
has processing convention spao:hasProcessingConvention xsd:string
Reference to the standard followed during descriptive work. For example "ISAD-G".
has processing date spao:hasProcessingDate IRI
Date on which the archive description was created or modified.
has protection duration spao:hasProtectionDuration xsd:string
Indication of the duration during which the document is not accessible to the public.
has terms of protection spao:hasTermsOfProtection Concept
Indicates the reference event from which the protection period starts. The use of this property is not stabilized within the SAPA foundation.
has usage rights still spao:hasUsageRightsStill Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of screen captures. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
has usage rights streaming spao:hasUsageRightsStreaming Concept
Indicates whether the foundation holds the rights for the publication by itself of video streaming. Possible values are "Yes", "No" or "Unknown".
identifier rico:identifier xsd:string
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Includes Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local Identifiers. (RiC-O 0.2) The usage of this property is deprecated and it will be replaced by rico:hasOrHadIdentifier.
index olo:index xsd:integer
is associated with date rico:isAssociatedWithDate IRI
Connects a Thing to a Date associated with its existence and lifecycle. (RiC-O 0.2) This contains the date or date range that the resource covers (for example, for a set of documents, this will contain the date of creation of the first document until the date of creation of the last document)
is related to spao:isRelatedTo xsd:string
Information on documentary collections preserved outside the institution and describing with the same subject.
legacy identifier spao:legacyIdentifier xsd:string
In case of a change in identifier, the old identifier is kept in this property.
name rico:name xsd:string
A label, title or term designating the entity in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. For Record Resource or Instantiation, the Name is generally assigned by an Agent as most do not have a Name given when created. (RiC-O 0.2) This is the label assigned to the resource.
see also spao:seeAlso IRI
Generic property that allows a link to be established between a resource and another entity.


Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
has unit rico:hasUnitOfMeasurement rico:UnitOfMeasurement
A reference to the "extent unit" controlled vocabulary to indicate the unit of measure of the extent. Example of values are "boxes", "kg", "linear meter", "envelopes", etc.
quantity rico:quantity Literal
The quantity of the extent, given either as a integer or a string.


Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
type crm:P2_has_type Concept
A reference to the type of the identifier, from the "identifier" controlled vocabulary, with values such as "Unique ID", "Old Identifier", "Technical Identifier", etc.
value rdf:value xsd:string
The value of the identifier, as a literal string.

Date (single)

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
certainty rico:certainty Concept
Qualifies the level of certitude of the accuracy of a Date, an Event or a Relation. (RiC-O 0.2) Example of values are "probable", "deduced", "uncertain", etc.
date qualifier rico:dateQualifier Concept
Indicates the precision of a date. It specifies if, and to what extent, the value is an estimation. (RiC-O 0.2) Example of values are "circa", "exact", "during", etc.
date standard rico:dateStandard xsd:string
Identifier of the standard of the Normalized date. (RiC-O 0.2)
expressed date rico:expressedDate xsd:string
Natural language expression of a Date. (RiC-O 0.2)
normalized date value rico:normalizedDateValue xsd:string
Date representation based on a standard, preferably machine-readable. (RiC-O 0.2)


Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
date standard rico:dateStandard xsd:string
Identifier of the standard of the Normalized date. (RiC-O 0.2)
expressed date rico:expressedDate xsd:string
Natural language expression of a Date. (RiC-O 0.2) This is the field used to display the date on the screen.
normalized date value rico:normalizedDateValue xsd:string
Date representation based on a standard, preferably machine-readable. (RiC-O 0.2). Currently the rico:normalizedDateValue is a copy of the rico:expressedDate and does not use a specific datatype. It is an xsd:string.

Date (range)

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
has beginning date rico:hasBeginningDate Date (single)
Connects a Thing to a Date at which this Thing that came into existence. (RiC-O 0.2)
has end date rico:hasEndDate Date (single)
Connects a Thing to a Date at which the existence of that Thing ended. (RiC-O 0.2)

Archival place

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
contained by rico:containedBy Archival place
A reference to the place in which this one is contained, thus forming a hierarchy of places.
has packing spao:hasPacking Concept
A reference to a concept in the packing controlled vocabulary to indicate the king of packaging or format of this place, such as "box A4", "box A5", "digital file", "painting", etc. This is not stated on all archival places.
label rdfs:label xsd:string
The name of the place


Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
has event type rico:hasEventType rico:EventType
Connects an Event to an Event Type which categorizes it. (RiC-O 0.2)
label rdfs:label Literal
The name of the event.


Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
preferred label skos:prefLabel rdf:langString
The preferred label of the concept. There is at most one preferred label per language.
alternative label (synonym) skos:altLabel rdf:langString
A synonym, acronym, or any other non-preferred term to refer to the concept.
hidden label skos:hiddenLabel rdf:langString
A hidden label for the concept. Hidden labels are kept for references and to be able to match user queries, but should not be presented to end users.
broader skos:broader Concept
A reference to a more generic concept of this concept.
narrower skos:narrower Concept
A reference to a more specific concept of this concept.
definition skos:definition rdf:langString
A textual definition for this concept.
in scheme skos:inScheme skos:ConceptScheme
A reference to the controlled vocabulary to which this concept belongs. Each concept belongs to one and only one controlled vocabulary.
top concept of skos:topConceptOf skos:ConceptScheme
When the concept is a "root" concept (that is, without broader concept), this property will hold a reference to its controlled vocabulary to indicate it is a top concept of the vocabulary.
exact match skos:exactMatch IRI
A reference to a matching concept in a controlled vocabulary of another organization. Depending on the vocabulary, matching concepts can be taken from the Library of Congress, Records in Contexts ontology, the Deutsche National Bibliothek, RDA registry, Getty, the ECLAP repository (European Collected Library of Artistic Performance), Wikidata, UK National Archives, etc.
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString
A comment on the concept, sometimes giving textual information on its equivalence to other concepts.


Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Properties from Language
No specific properties
Properties from Concept
preferred label skos:prefLabel rdf:langString
The preferred label of the concept. There is at most one preferred label per language.
alternative label (synonym) skos:altLabel rdf:langString
A synonym, acronym, or any other non-preferred term to refer to the concept.
hidden label skos:hiddenLabel rdf:langString
A hidden label for the concept. Hidden labels are kept for references and to be able to match user queries, but should not be presented to end users.
broader skos:broader Concept
A reference to a more generic concept of this concept.
narrower skos:narrower Concept
A reference to a more specific concept of this concept.
definition skos:definition rdf:langString
A textual definition for this concept.
in scheme skos:inScheme skos:ConceptScheme
A reference to the controlled vocabulary to which this concept belongs. Each concept belongs to one and only one controlled vocabulary.
top concept of skos:topConceptOf skos:ConceptScheme
When the concept is a "root" concept (that is, without broader concept), this property will hold a reference to its controlled vocabulary to indicate it is a top concept of the vocabulary.
exact match skos:exactMatch IRI
A reference to a matching concept in a controlled vocabulary of another organization. Depending on the vocabulary, matching concepts can be taken from the Library of Congress, Records in Contexts ontology, the Deutsche National Bibliothek, RDA registry, Getty, the ECLAP repository (European Collected Library of Artistic Performance), Wikidata, UK National Archives, etc.
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString
A comment on the concept, sometimes giving textual information on its equivalence to other concepts.

Documentary Form Type

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Properties from Documentary Form Type
No specific properties
Properties from Concept
preferred label skos:prefLabel rdf:langString
The preferred label of the concept. There is at most one preferred label per language.
alternative label (synonym) skos:altLabel rdf:langString
A synonym, acronym, or any other non-preferred term to refer to the concept.
hidden label skos:hiddenLabel rdf:langString
A hidden label for the concept. Hidden labels are kept for references and to be able to match user queries, but should not be presented to end users.
broader skos:broader Concept
A reference to a more generic concept of this concept.
narrower skos:narrower Concept
A reference to a more specific concept of this concept.
definition skos:definition rdf:langString
A textual definition for this concept.
in scheme skos:inScheme skos:ConceptScheme
A reference to the controlled vocabulary to which this concept belongs. Each concept belongs to one and only one controlled vocabulary.
top concept of skos:topConceptOf skos:ConceptScheme
When the concept is a "root" concept (that is, without broader concept), this property will hold a reference to its controlled vocabulary to indicate it is a top concept of the vocabulary.
exact match skos:exactMatch IRI
A reference to a matching concept in a controlled vocabulary of another organization. Depending on the vocabulary, matching concepts can be taken from the Library of Congress, Records in Contexts ontology, the Deutsche National Bibliothek, RDA registry, Getty, the ECLAP repository (European Collected Library of Artistic Performance), Wikidata, UK National Archives, etc.
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString
A comment on the concept, sometimes giving textual information on its equivalence to other concepts.

Record State

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
Properties from Record State
No specific properties
Properties from Concept
preferred label skos:prefLabel rdf:langString
The preferred label of the concept. There is at most one preferred label per language.
alternative label (synonym) skos:altLabel rdf:langString
A synonym, acronym, or any other non-preferred term to refer to the concept.
hidden label skos:hiddenLabel rdf:langString
A hidden label for the concept. Hidden labels are kept for references and to be able to match user queries, but should not be presented to end users.
broader skos:broader Concept
A reference to a more generic concept of this concept.
narrower skos:narrower Concept
A reference to a more specific concept of this concept.
definition skos:definition rdf:langString
A textual definition for this concept.
in scheme skos:inScheme skos:ConceptScheme
A reference to the controlled vocabulary to which this concept belongs. Each concept belongs to one and only one controlled vocabulary.
top concept of skos:topConceptOf skos:ConceptScheme
When the concept is a "root" concept (that is, without broader concept), this property will hold a reference to its controlled vocabulary to indicate it is a top concept of the vocabulary.
exact match skos:exactMatch IRI
A reference to a matching concept in a controlled vocabulary of another organization. Depending on the vocabulary, matching concepts can be taken from the Library of Congress, Records in Contexts ontology, the Deutsche National Bibliothek, RDA registry, Getty, the ECLAP repository (European Collected Library of Artistic Performance), Wikidata, UK National Archives, etc.
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString
A comment on the concept, sometimes giving textual information on its equivalence to other concepts.